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Empowering People with better

health so they can truly live.


You’ve Got The Power To Become
The Hero Of Your Own Health Journey

(Or in the words of our favorite 90s hip-hop star, "I’ve got the power!") 

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We cover the knowledge. You do the living.

In Sanskrit, “Zura” means hero. Heroine. Pioneer. That's what you are, after all: the driver of your own chariot. The author of your own story. The crazy courageous adventurer trekking your way through the wild terrain of this journey we call life.

Destination: your most openhearted, most healed, most whole self.

Here's what we know: Healing happens one small shift at a time, but you've gotta have the guidance you need to make the right shifts in the first place. Sometimes that means making food and health a priority, or having the damn hard conversations that’ve been weighing on your heart, or putting boundaries in place where they've never been before, or any number of things related to whatever it is that actually caused your symptoms to begin with.

Knowing which steps to take becomes easier when you stop putting Band-Aids over your symptoms and start digging deep for the root cause of it all. Because once you’re finally able to grab hold of the tools and education that allow you to untangle the root cause of your body’s disharmony and understand the why behind the choices you’re making today, you can pinpoint exactly where you need to pivot, upgrade, and make small shifts in directions that feel freakin’ good.

That’s the power of starting small. It's the small things that create major leverage and big strides over time, even if they seem easy in the moment.

We've seen it happen time and time again: When you sink deeply into your own power and take back the reins to your own health, bodies heal. Minds elevate. Moods lift. Lives shapeshift and transform in the most wild and wonderful ways.

So if it feels like your inner heroine is calling you home to wholeness, she is.

And thankfully, you don't have to walk this journey solo.

Zura Health is your home on the web for your own personal journey back to wholeness and a roadmap to becoming a wildly successful certified Health Coach. We’ve combined access to our specialized learning platform, guidance from our facilitators, and support from the realest community on the web into one hell of an online platform. Think of it as a roadmap, if you will, a step-by-step guide to helping yourself and others to healing on the very deepest level.

Are you ready to dive in & start making good stuff happen?

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Our Story

Hi, We’re Kylie & Jessica



And we believe that wholeness is the new wellness.

See, we've been there – not too far from the place you might find yourself now. We followed the script and checked off society’s boxes. We went to school, landed jobs, found partners, bought houses and raised children super cute dogs.

All that was great, of course – until it wasn't anymore.

Until we woke up one day feeling empty in the lives we thought would bring us joy and happiness, finding ourselves smack dab in the midst of divorce and heartache.

Until we found ourselves covered with eczema up to our necks, mysteriously losing our vision, and suffering from bouts of back pain so intense we could hardly walk. (That was fun… not!)


The medicine of empowerment

Until we realized we were living out of alignment with our own truths and disconnected from our own power and authority – and until we realized that no doctor, no pill, and no therapy session could truly heal our bodies or our lives.

It was then that we began to realize the importance of what we call wellness 2.0 – the medicine of empowerment.

Here's what we learned: We can't heal in the same environment that we got sick in, so it’s time to change our environment.  Fundamentals are fundamental for a reason – they’re the cornerstones of healing. Our bodies are always talking to us, whether we know how to tune into that radio station or not. Food is more than just calories; it’s information. Movement is life. And small shifts can create world-shaking change.

Once we began uncovering the root causes of our symptoms and taking small daily steps toward wellness, everything shifted. We began feeding our bodies the high vibrational foods they truly craved. We opened up to actually feel our emotional pain, letting ourselves sink deeply into the wisdom on the other side. We harnessed our inner bookworms, devouring over 200 books on health and healing.

And we began integrating this human experience

with facets of grounded spirituality, like mindfulness, stillness, breathwork, journaling, boundaries, and all that good kinda stuff.

As our habits transformed and our hearts tuned into the wisdom that had been waiting there for us all along, something wild began to happen. Slowly but surely, our bodies healed. Our hearts opened. And somewhere along the way, we looked back and realized we were well on our way to wholeness.

Today we’re certified health coaches who’ve worked with Fortune 500 companies and individuals alike, helping guide hundreds – even thousands – of people back toward their own authentic paths to wellness and wholeness. Our mission is simple: we believe no one should be without the tools, support, and education to make truly empowered choices that support a fulfilling, “heck yes” kind of life.

Joseph Campbell once wrote, “It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure." 

In the midst of your deepest, darkest abyss lies greater opportunity than you know – the opportunity to return to the truth of your original self, to choose a new path, to heal your past and to reclaim your future – if you choose to embrace it.

We did it. We are doing it. You can do it too, because you, my dear, are one rock star.


The only question is, are you ready to take the first step?

Kylie McBeath Zura Health

Kylie McBeath

Zura Health Co-Founder + Rebirth Guide

Kylie McBeath is a writer, Earth guardian and soul-doula who supports women in breaking out of codependent patterns, remembering who they are and their soul's purpose for being here at this time. She is on a mission to restore the Feminine principle and make this world a harmonious, just and liberated place to call home.

She is also the co-founder of digital wellness company & community, Zura Health, and founding expert at Mine’d.

A Deeper Dive with Kylie McBeath:

To me, living my life in alignment and right relationship means…
Living in integrity with me, we, the All

I feel most alive when…
Living & loving in integrity with my Soul, Life & Mother Earth

Jess McBeath Zura Health

Jessica McBeath

Zura Health Co-Founder + Functional Nutrition Health Coach

Jessica is a self-confessed lover of all things nutrition and lifestyle. Having navigated her own digestive health issues, she now focuses on providing all zuralites with the tools, knowledge, and support in creating their own nourishment practices, both body and home. She is a Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Practitioner and Certified Holistic Health Coach.

With a keen interest on women’s health, nutrition, hormones, skincare and gut:brain connection she is the yang to her twin sister, Kylies’ area of interest of mental and emotional wellness. Together, they have created and co-founded Zura Health, which provides an in-depth lifestyle program that covers the entirety (well, most of it ;))  of what it means to be well and thriving in today’s world. 

When she’s not creating or coaching for Zura Health, you will find her perusing the local farmers market, taking her pup Marvel for a walk, cooking up a feast in the kitchen or enjoying the great outdoors with her friends and family. 

Laura Darcy

Laura Darcy

Zura Health Steward of Community, Visionary + Embodiment Educator

As Zura Health’s Community Steward and Embodiment Guide. Laura is our people person. She nurtures our community by building a foundation of belonging and a culture of care. She tends to the heartbeat of Zura through sacred circles, intimate Pod Gatherings and larger Nourish events. Through a trauma informed lens Laura holds safe space to ensure everyone feels seen, heard, held and loved. The nature of Laura’s being has her nurturing our ecosystem from roots to branches ensuring our educators, students and alumni feel supported on their journey home. She is an anchor for the soul and essence of who Zura is + what she stands for. 

Laura Darcy is an artist - weaving words, poetry + heart medicine. She holds space for deep self-exploration, specializing in the intimacies and intricacies of our human experience and the stories that our bodies hold.

A Deeper Dive with Laura Darcy:

To me, living my life in alignment and right relationship means…
Returning to simplicity, savoring moments, tending to sweetness. Living in right relationship is being one with the land - our first mother, a dance with remembrance, remembering that we are not separate. It is important to me to live into kindness, trust my knowing and move forward heart first. My dream is that nobody gets left behind.

I feel most alive when…
I’m gathered around a long table with strangers and loved ones, deep in conversation. When I am teaching to a room full of people and holding space for exploration. When I’m belly laughing, in nature, submerged in a body of water, sitting in silence + kissing.

Courtney Koester

Courtney Koester

Zura Health Steward of Operations + Energetics

Courtney is a London-Fog-drinking, road-trip-mix-making, philosophical soul. A 5/1 Sacral Generator, Enneagram 7 and triple Sagittarius – in a nutshell, a human who loves to explore life both internally + externally.

As Zura Health’s Steward of Operations, Courtney is the structure riverbed that allows the sacred nature of Zura to flow. Her medicine is in exploring personal and collective energetics to co-create nourishing, rehumanizing, and sustainable structures that hold our team and overall vision.

With firsthand experience in untangling from patterns of people pleasing, self-abandonment and self- judgment, Courtney’s mission focuses on the importance of self-reconnection + the invitation to rehumanize. She took the journey from documentary filmmaker + photographer to certified Holistic Life Coach + Reiki Master Practitioner — through which she learned the power of the human story and cultivation of brave spaces where humans can show up in full expression + be seen.

A Deeper Dive with Courtney Koester:

To me, living my life in alignment and right relationship means…
I honor my relationship with myself, with another, and with the earth; I am honest with myself about what I’m up to and what I’m after; I am being brave with this lifetime; I am regularly realigning with my integrity + honoring my personal energetic makeup.

I feel most alive when…
I am traveling to/exploring someplace new; when I’m in deep, connected conversation with another; when I’m in that magical, creative groove where time melts + ideas come to life.

Meg Crockett

Meg Crockett

Zura Health Coaching program director & steward of community

Meg is a National Board Certified Health Coach NBC-HWC, and Zura Health Community Steward & Coaching Program Director. She is interested in understanding and educating on the actual root causes of modern day illness as well as freeing individuals from pervasive societal programming that keeps us sick, small, and disempowered. 

She is interested in how humans can better create lifestyles that support long lasting health and that strengthen the bond with ourselves, our planet, and the unseen.

A Deeper Dive with Meg Crockett:

To me, living my life in alignment and right relationship means…
Standing up for what is right

I feel most alive when…
I’m spending days in the sun with loved ones doing a fun activity in nature like skiing, hiking, or swimming in the ocean.

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Discover Zura Health Today

Get in touch with the Zura Health team to find out how you can join our Certified Health Coaches or find out more about what you’ll experience with our several wellness courses by clicking on the button below.
