10 Benefits of Foam Rolling

What exactly is foam rolling? Foam rolling is the act of deep fascia and muscle release through the use of the following tool; pictured on the right. The foam roller acts as a tool for myo-fascial release, lubricating your tissues and joints, melting away tension, and promoting circulation. The roller gets into the fascia in much the same way that a deep-tissue massage does, working out the toxins and scar tissue and helping to reformulate the structure of the muscles into a more flexible state.

Recommended Frequency and Duration:

To reap the benefits of foam rolling, we recommend just 5-10 minutes morning and evening to promote relaxation, circulation and releasing leftover tension in the body.

We recommend keeping your foam roller near your bed so that upon waking and before bed you are reminded of the practice.

Pictured: Foam Roller with Ridges

Pictured: Foam Roller with Ridges

10 Benefits of Foam Rolling

  1. Reduced tension and muscle tightness

  2. Increased circulation

  3. Breakdown of existing scar-tissue

  4. Reducing bodily inflammation

  5. Increased flexibility and range of motion

  6. Stimulation of our Vagus nerve (hello digestion!)

  7. Reduced pain, aches and stiffness

  8. Breakdown of emotional and energetic catharsis (our favorite!)

  9. Promotes weight loss, lessens the appearance of cellulite, and promotes better posture

  10. Strengthens the pelvic floor muscles (hello mama’s)

For more resources, youtube.com has a myriad of videos to help guide you through specific exercises for pain, sleep, tightness, weight loss and more.

For more resources we love the work of Lauren Roxburgh, she has many routines and tutorials on how to incorporate this routine into your everyday schedule for maximum effectiveness.

Shop our favorite foam rollers below:

Rumble Roller : Deep Tissue Release and more intense then the non-ridged foam roller (linked below)

Foam Roller: For everyday rolling and release

Orb Ball: Helps to get into deep places and we enjoy using on our head and neck region.

Body, Lifestylekylie McbeathComment