Heal Your Skin From Within


My Skin Journey wasn’t always a holistic one. 

I used to suffer with awful acne that covered not just my face but also my chest, back, and shoulders. The creams and antibiotics my dermatologist prescribed only made things worse and left my skin itchy, scaly, and so irritated that my skin felt like it was on fire. Over the years, I’ve been able to achieve a clear complexion not by the drugstore creams or antibiotics, but by changing my diet and re-thinking my approach to self-care. I’ve learned that acne is not a side-effect of puberty or an unfortunate trait we inherit, but rather a manifestation of inflammation in our bodies that we can control and heal from within. 

Here are 5 glowing-skin tips + tricks that have yielded real results and clear skin for myself and for my clients: 

1. Eat the Rainbow.

Eat your fruit and your vegetables, especially dark greens and dark pigmented fruits. The more colorful the fruit, the more antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties it contains. My personal favorites are wild blueberries, raspberries, kale, brussels sprouts, and limes.

2. Drink Up.

Yes everyone in the health and wellness world talks about the importance of water, yet not many people listen. Water helps detoxify the body and helps your skin maintain its moisture. I advise my clients to drink water continually all day until about 3 hours before they go to bed.  I also suggest getting a quality water filter and personally use a Berkley water filter.

3. When It Comes To Skin Products, Less is More. 

I use very few skincare products as a way to let my skin breathe and heal from withinWhen I do put something on my face, I always scrutinize the ingredients to make sure it’s made with natural, high quality ingredients.  Some of my go-to products include Georgia May Skincare (I love using their Clear Sailing oil in the winter months when my skin is feeling dry), Osea (a bit pricey but the products are well worth it, and  EvanHealy (I love their pomegranate repair serum, green tea clay mask, and the french rose clay mask).

4. Befriend Dry Brushing.

I use a dry skin brush and hand gloves that exfoliate dead skin. When you don’t properly exfoliate your skin begins to build up with layers of dead skin. This can cause more inflammation since your skin is trying to get rid of toxins through your skin. By exfoliating regularly you are able to show buff away dull skin showcasing the beautiful fresh skin beneath. 

5. Practice Self-Love.

My last tip of advice to you beautiful people is to love yourself. Having acne or any skin condition is hard but being continually mad at your body is going to get you nowhere. Your body listens to everything you say to it. If you are constantly telling yourself “you look ugly, I feel like a monster, or that you hate yourself” your body is listening. Speak kindly to yourself, take baths with lavender, light a few candles you love, tell yourself that you are beautiful overtime you look in the mirror. This is the simplest part of my protocol but every single one of my clients tells me how much this one thing has changed their life. You are beautiful and you need to continue to tell yourself until you believe it. Then continue to say it for the rest of your life because it will always be true.

These are the ways I have approached my healing and the same techniques I share with my clients to help them get radically glowing skin, and shine from the inside out! Comment below + share your skin story with us. We’d love to hear from you!

This post was written and contributed by a guest author, edited by the Zura Health Team.
Article by Haley Ferretti, Certified Holistic Health Coach
Find her on Instagram → @haley_ferretti
Visit her website → www.haleyferretti.com

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