Ep.056 SOLO Episode: Unhooking From Toxic Patterns w/ Host, Kylie McBeath

My 30th year around the planet was filled with back to back initiations. In 2019, I moved from maiden (girl) to woman (mother) and it was the most liberating and challenging year of my life so far. I lost everything and died (small d) death 100's of times as I released every attachment in my life in an effort to attune to my indigenous frequency. From my relationship rupture to awakening to the patriarchal matrix we've been steeped in for thousands of years - I dive in. This year was about coming home to my innocence. To my essence. And there's only one way to do that -- to burn through anything that stands in the way. In this podcast episode I share a behind the scenes glimpse of my life over the last year and answer some IG questions :] I hope you enjoy! xo, Ky